Monday 24 July 2017

10 things you should do everyday to become smarter

  1. Wake up early in the morning. When you wake up early like 5 o’clock in the morning, you start doing things earlier than 90% of people around the world, you get fresh oxygen when you take a walk around, you can indulge in your self as no one wakes and disturbs you and finally if you want to get up early you have to sleep early, so you get more time at a stretch to do different things.
  2. Plan tomorrow before you sleep. Yes, when you plan your day ahead you won't waste time on petty things which we do unconsciously, why we have to plan before sleep is when we jot them all down, your brain is now light of tensions and can have a sound sleep.
  3. Drink water 5 times at least. Drinking may not make you smarter but it makes you healthier as it flushes out lots of toxins. You can use some app to remind or just plan to drink after every half an hour after you consume something it's better, it's not good to drink water immediately after eating something because it dillutes the digestive acids.
  4. Log whatever you do daily. According to some books I read, when you log what you done all day, you get to know where you are wasting your time unconsciously. Planning and logging daily seems it eats up ten minutes a day but it save hours in long run.
  5. Plan to exercise atleast 5 hours a week. Why plan weekly to exercise because when you plan for daily and you may fail and get discouraged, so if it's planned weekly you can adjust and do it atleast for 5 hours.
  6. Brush regularly at night. Brushing at night lets your mouth be fresh for the whole night and psychologically we don't eat anything after we brush at night, so it helps in weight loss.
  7. Avoid unnecessary stuff. Avoiding TV, uninstalling insta and fb ..,leaving the news and bang delete all those mails unread, you don't need to catch up everything. Concentrate on priorities.
  8. Healthy input. Whenever you consume something ask two questions does it nourish my body, or it's just a junk for momentry happiness. It's very important to choose healthy food because it's our body we live in, we should take care what enters in it.
  9. Autosuggestions or Good thoughts. Negative thoughts do effect us physically the measure we can take is to fill our brain with postive thoughts may be with help of autosuggestions where in we repeat daily some good words or by reading daily quotes, whatever it is fill the brain with all possible positive thoughts it will filter and reflect in positive vibes from us.
  10. Reading book before you sleep. Yes by reading books you think some thing constructive and go to bed, that will be echoed in your dreams than carrying daily tensions to bed. It kind of changes your mood.
All these habits are meant for long run, some people give up when they don't see instant results but life is doing small good things daily which turns into habit, good habits make us smarter on long run.

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