Thursday 20 July 2017

Mindset of A Hustler

When I say hustler, I’m not talking about someone who does shady business. I’m talking about someone whose ambition and aspirations line up together. Someone who knows what they want and are willing to make short term sacrifices takes to get what they want.

Hustlers don’t make excuses when they don’t achieve their goals – they look at the issue square in the eye and accept it as a challenge and an opportunity to improve.

Hustlers are a rare breed this days and yet it feels like everyday someone is talking about becoming a hustler without having the track record to back it up.
I get the idea that hustlers are cool but let’s not confuse a work-mule with a hustler.

A work mule, is always busy doing things and is often doing things that anyone else could do. A hustler is smart enough to know where they should best spend their time to achieve results and optimize their life accordingly.

A hustler is willing to hire someone when he needs help.

A hustler is willing to say no to a project when it’s not aligned with her vision.

Hustlers value smart work over hard work.

Below  are few of the mindsets that differentiate hustlers from the rest of the world:
The Willingness to Die For Their Cause

An Intolerance of The Status Quo

An Undeniable Love for Their Craft

Rejection Is Fuel for an Internal Fire (Hustlers accept rejection. That is the fact)

Willing To Stumble So You Can Rise Back Up (To succeed, you must be willing to fail)

So tell me, what do you do that differentiates you from the rest of the world? How are you building your own competitive advantage? Does a memory of rejection fire you up? Leave a comment below; I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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