Thursday 6 July 2017

Never Give Up, You’re So Much More

Never give up on your dream!

Never give up on love!

Never give up on yourself!

Most of all, never give up on life!

The answer for how to never give up is to have a purpose greater than you. The challenge with your must-have goal is that if it only inspires you, you’ll lose energy eventually.

Let me tell you a brief story

Earlier this year I’ve wanted to give up too just like how you’ve wanted to either right now or in the past. It’s not easy trying to motivate yourself all the time. There are things that can help, but rather than writing you a long long list of tools to use, simply try personal development.
Personal development is where the answer lies…I mean where the whole magic lies. It will assist you to never give up. In the earlier this year, I wanted to give up because:

My love pursuits failed

My dream became a lot harder than I thought

It felt easier to give up and take the easy road rather than keep myself going
Most painfully I lost almost all I had labored for all my life.

After encountering all the above mentioned challenges, I had all the reasons to give up on life but you know what? desire to succeed grow stronger. I decided to So I had to rebuild my confidence and
dream bigger than I have ever before.
Do you know y? because:

I know I will only be defeated if I accept defeat
I always know that what is in the future is greater

Some of my friends were surprise at where the energy was coming from and they were inspired and they decided to also build the same intrinsic motivation what is the best aspect of motivation.
Always remember:
“You Are So Much More Than You Think You Can Ever Be”
“You are always much more than you think”
“you are a great creator”

“Don’t Quit On Yourself”
Best regards!

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